Sunday, December 18, 2011


Good afternoon All,

I have decided to join forces with the Songmodel News Blog! All the details have not been ironed out, however I hope to bring you all an inside sight on saving money, maximizing your time, and encouraging growth. Look for my signature photo of beautiful shoes and you will find happiness in the unique way of expressing your personal style. Much love and many wishes.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The things I write are not about a fairy tail all hail to the the truth about living a jump away from hell yell from your roof tops that to the bottom you pray not to drop with every slain word you use in refuge you accuse the others for the choices you made in a sane mind you rewind the hands of time to remember your venomous acts that lack the potent ency of a loud pack. Blow smoke in hopes that every cloud change your world in the Lords grace. You aren't anyone special you are like the rest waiting to be laid to rest in your Sunday's best but you wouldn't know anything about that unless you were blessed never to kneel and confess about how the streets hit your sheets with sweat from a man and or woman's lack of respect for waiting on the reason love is to made you behave as if you are from the womb of a hooligan, yeah I say it again this is much like a nursery rhyme to remind you of the trif life you boast about like you made it to the top twice! blasting how you get paid for on every 1st and 15Th and some days on the in between when you play like you are Ms. Thang yet I haven't seen a pay day that erase the memories of hate, you relate monetary figures to bigger things like a balance sheet you are unequal but you ain't nothing but a sequel to those who live the life you act like you the only one married to this life. We all have our times were nickles and dimes are spare, for as long as I can hold on to my hair i will wear the strength of Goliath I am bias YES I refuse to be pressed about those who flap their tongues with no purpose.


I'm sorry I've left you buried in despair. In fear of the words that appear in my sleep as if it was written in chalk for all to read and point at embarrasment I refuse for all to read. I surrender to you to allow our light shine without a shade of opinions on what we are to think, eat, sleep or breate. You wear the crown now, your worries have turned the frown of your flesh to a smile. I bow to you ! You are whom has made me who we are. We are one in the same although the game had you twist you I dismissed the depths of your qualms in life now I know we are like husband and wife. A union to be reckoned with I am no longer your spirits mistress in distress I am loving less the quest of nightmares, I am in rare form turning your storms into sun drenched days. I make you hot and happy in many ways, bringing waves of mutual experience you were never the spirit of recklessness but my awareness of why I thrive to be the woman that refuses to cry for things that don't belong to those who don't believe in trying to attain them. We join hands listening to our own band drums beating silence when others are speaking we are in tune I am your bedroom lover finger tips of a woman that has no other thought but to please I am you within me. I hope that I have learned to earn your trust cause neither one of us knows what it is to be without the thrust of our beating heart. I love you, for what you have invested in me to make the word we! You are her, the one that brought the word we!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Loss for words

My mind wander
Ponder the words that use to rhyme
Now that the time has passed and a few more glasses tipped
Bottled eyes, my writings have so many disguises
I have a loss for words My mind use to perform plays so easily to display with a pen and piece of paper
But now and days I'm at a loss of words
Is it that my world know quarrels I've leaped many hurdles?
Fast!!!! YES my ambition is my steroid
A loss for words is because the beauty of my life has no description
I am SUBMISSIVE to new innovative additions
Not the depiction of what many would ever had thought to see I
I am she the queen of ultimate defeat against SOCIETY
I haven't even reached my peak
I am at a loss for words
Cause my world has no verbal description
Come here grab a seat get to sippin
I gotta a life of stories that will keep you entertained a few tears and a whole lot of pain!
On board I am with each and every dream or goal I have set
Better yet, I am the dream catcher GOD BLESS HER!
A loss for words
I am the child who gives
I may have lost my words
But I am so grateful God has allowed me to live!


I have many things I use to believe Fearless
I have become to what I thought once was a lie..
Fearless I am that my heart will drop as light as a feather when you leave
Fearless I am that my tears will fill my pillows constantly with the thought you will not return as the man I thought I earned!
I am fearless to hear from those who hold their tongues that will become as ruthless as a gun in your absence
Had this been explained better than just the lame birds and the bees but better he will never love one who is like thee
No man wishes to be a woman's king but women live fairy tale dreams
Spreading our legs instead of our minds
Then in time we realize we were of the season not the reason, or lifetime
I REFUSE to spend a lifetime wondering if I was as rich tasting to him as white wine.
I AM fearless and as bold as Merlot Behold I am the one that holds you at night, willing to fight, but you deny me to be your wife!
I laugh with joy in my voice because I'm not the one who has to hoist your empty promises, your unfaithful believes, or worse your seed on my knee To say their daddy doesn't love me but he loves you as true as the sky turns blue, he just can’t afford you.
I am fearless because I refuse to be careless and think that you could ever love me more than the streets!